Mary Iellamo, M.Ed.

The term “eating disorder” conjures different images for different people.

Jilisa Snyder, Ph.D.

“Living an engaged life we experience dreams, hopes, meanin

Meet a music therapist at the Brattleboro Retreat Daniel Lang, MOT, OTR/L

Timothy Kanczuga, MSN, RN, FNP-BC

Nnamdi Pole, Ph.D

This week marked Indigenous People’s Day, a day that is meant to celebrate the approximat

Karl Jeffries, MD

Vermont’s Department of Health recently released data from the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and it is consistent with the alarm bells that have been going off for the past several years in communities across the state - our youth are increasingly experiencing mental health challenges. The numbers are indeed concerning. In the 30 days prior to the survey, 35% of students reported poor mental health most or all of the time.

What makes a good listener and how you can be a better one Geoff Kane, MD, MPH

Listen, Really

William Knorr, MD

You are hiking a Green Mountain trail and are startled as you round a corner

Megan Becker, LMFT

Structure and predictability play important roles in our lives, allowing us to anticipate, plan, and prepare for what’s coming. A big part of the way we help young children make sense of the world is by using routines, boundaries, and clear expectations. Knowing what to expect and when to expect it can bring comfort and help kids feel secure.