During the holidays, many of us draw close to family and friends. Like pioneer days, when the wagons would circle to protect from outsiders, this is a natural reaction to wanting to be close and protective of those we love.

Now that a new year has begun, let us broaden our horizons to others. One of this country’s founding principles is that America is a melting pot, a rich blend of cultural traditions from all over the world.

Emerging adults, ages 18-29, face distinct developmental tasks that will lay the foundation of a healthy adulthood. Jennifer Tanner, PhD, discusses this newly identified developmental stage, its characteristics and why developmental psychologists see this as a critical period in life. A developmentalist and Vice-Chair of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Dr. Tanner offers insight into how this knowledge can impact our lives, our families' lives and society as a whole.

Research suggests that up to one in five people suffers from a personality disorder. In this 30 minute taped interview, nationally recognized expert Joseph W. Shannon, Ph.D., outlines the many different types of personality disorders (borderline, dependent, narcissistic, etc) along with their causes and treatments.


Geoff Kane, MD, MPH

I’m often asked by concerned parents and other individuals who have regular contact with young people: “Is it possible to recognize when a teen, or even a younger child, has a drug or alcohol problem? What should I look for?” The short answer is yes, it is possible; but the longer answer can be much more complicated. That’s because it is not unusual for older people to be completely unaware of a young person’s involvement or dependence on alcohol or other drugs.

Jilisa Snyder, Ph.D.

As our nation soldiers on through an economic downturn of historic proportions, many people are faced with the seemingly endless prospect of unemployment (or underemployment) and the gnawing sense of uncertainty that comes with it. When you’re stuck in a difficult situation with no apparent way out, you are a prime candidate for the kind of stress that taxes mind, body and spirit.