The Brattleboro Retreat's Interim Patient Experience Coordinator formally known as the Patient Advocate can be reached Monday - Friday at 802-258-6118 or they can be reached by email at patient-experience@brattlebororetreat.org.
Consideration of the patient perspective is central to the development of excellent care. The Retreat's Consumer Advisory Council is composed of consumers and advocates whose main purpose is to ensure that our patients' voices are heard. Members of the Council include representatives from Disability Rights Vermont (DRVT), Vermont Psychiatric Survivors, the National Association on Mental Illness, and former patients and family members. The goal of the council is to address consumer concerns, advise the hospital on policy development, and fully represent consumers' voices in the Retreat's design of care. For more information about our Consumer Advisory Council please contact us at 802-258-6118.

- Vermont Resource List
- Food Pantries in VT, NH, and MA
- NAMI Vermont Resource Guidebook December 2019 Update
- NAMI Vermont Family Support Group Meetings
Please note that these phone numbers and email addresses may have changed, please use the Contact Us webform to notify us of the updated information.