Thank you for choosing to donate to the Employee Giving Campaign!

This year you can designate your gift to any of the following options:

  • Fund for the Brattleboro Retreat – Contribute to the Fund to improve patient care and experience through program enhancements, staff training, patient financial assistance, and improvements to our beautiful campus.
  • Endowment Fund – Make a legacy gift, sustaining the Retreat in perpetuity.
  • Children’s Services Provide life-changing enrichment activities to the children in our care through increased activity outings and transportation options, and furnishings and equipment for activities. 
  • Employee Crisis Fund – This fund, reopened for donations in 2025, helps to support co-workers in times of crisis.

How to Make Your Gift

Bi-Weekly Paycheck Deduction - Employee Giving Campaign

Pledge to have your gift deducted from your paychecks each week over the 26 pay period year. Click here to make your bi-weekly paycheck deduction.

One-Time Paycheck Deduction - Employee Giving Campaign

Pledge to have your gift deducted one-time, from your first paycheck in 2025. Click here to make your one-time gift.

Donate by Credit Card - Employee Giving Campaign

Make your gift right now by credit card. Click here to make your gift.

Make a Cash/Check Donation by Interoffice Mail

Make a cash or check donation by sending your donation through interoffice mail to the Development Office. 

Make a Pledge Directly with the Development Office

Make a pledge by directly contacting Robert Szpila by email in the Development Office.