Madilynn Rutherford, M.Ed., is a doctoral psychology intern at the Brattleboro Retreat and a doctoral candidate in Counseling Psychology at the University at Buffalo SUNY in Buffalo, New York. Madilynn received her BS in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience from Texas A&M University. During undergrad, she researched the use of mindfulness meditation for the treatment of chronic pain. She went on to receive her Master of Education at the University at Buffalo where she is continuing her doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Madilynn’s doctoral dissertation research is examining the relationship between sexual assertiveness and sexual satisfaction for transgender and gender-diverse adults.
Madilynn has received clinical training and supervision in multiple treatment settings including the Rochester Center for Sexual Wellness, the Psychological Services Center of the University at Buffalo, the University at Buffalo Counseling Center, and the Canisius College Counseling Center. Madilynn has also completed training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy through the psychotherapy training institute and private practice, Open Like Blue Sky.