Thank you for choosing to donate to the Employee Giving Campaign!
This year you can designate your gift to any of the following options:
- Fund for the Brattleboro Retreat – Contribute to the Fund to improve patient care and experience through program enhancements, staff training, patient financial assistance, and improvements to our beautiful campus.
- Endowment Fund – Make a legacy gift, sustaining the Retreat in perpetuity.
- Children’s Services – Provide life-changing enrichment activities to the children in our care through increased activity outings and transportation options, and furnishings and equipment for activities.
- Employee Crisis Fund – This fund, reopened for donations in 2025, helps to support co-workers in times of crisis.
How to Make Your Gift
Pledge to have your gift deducted from your paychecks each week over the 26 pay period year. Click here to make your bi-weekly paycheck deduction.
Pledge to have your gift deducted one-time, from your first paycheck in 2025. Click here to make your one-time gift.
Make your gift right now by credit card. Click here to make your gift.
Make a cash or check donation by sending your donation through interoffice mail to the Development Office.
Make a pledge by directly contacting Robert Szpila by email in the Development Office.