Jilisa Snyder, Ph.D. is a Licensed Doctoral level Psychologist and is the Senior Psychologist of the Anna Marsh Clinic.
Dr. Snyder graduated from Temple University in 1976, Magna Cum Laude, with a Bachelor in Science in Physical Therapy, after which she completed a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling (1981) and Doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology (1984) from the State University of New York at Albany. She then completed a doctoral internship and post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Psychology at Dartmouth Medical School—Department of Psychiatry.
Her specialties include psychodynamic, relationally-oriented psychotherapy with adults, older adults, and couples. Her areas of expertise include personality development, analytic self psychology, the psychotherapeutic process, clinical supervision and training, mood, anxiety, and trauma related conditions, women’s issues, mind/body dynamics, mindfulness/stress management, grief and loss, and medical/health psychology. Dr. Snyder also teaches, upon request, mental health and medical healthcare ethics in the forms of workshops, conferences, and graduate level courses in the New England area.
Dr. Snyder’s personal interests include writing, Cajun cooking, flower gardening and the integration of eastern and western psychological perspectives and practices.